Kilduff Supply Company - Iowa
Jon Terlouw had an issue trying to clean these trailers by hand. Carrying livestock every day through the highways of the Mid-West can make a dirty, grime filled trailer, and of course, we all know what comes out of livestock when during these trips. Summer’s baking sun or winter’s harsh dirt, these trailers had to be cleaned regularly.
Jon had a 5 man crew, working for at least 30 minutes each to clean a trailer. It was 150 minutes of exhausting labor per wash.
Jon called Awash after doing some research and was skeptical this could be true. Wash a trailer with a Tower Wash with better results and less cost.
Flash ahead one year, Jon’s words:
“Machine works great! Makes them look like new! Before having the Tower Wash, we would use 5 guys for about 30 tiring minutes each - now we can do it in 10 minutes with 2 guys with much less labor intensive work.
Before: 150 minutes labor/wash - 5 guys @ 30 minutes each
After: 10 minutes labor/wash - 2 guys @ 5 minutes each